Insight Treatment: More Than Just “Teenage Rehab Programs Near Me”

Have you been looking for a teen rehab program that doesn’t just consist of making teens sit in a room all day? Does it seem like every teenage rehab you’ve looked at seems the same, offering too-similar services? At Insight Treatment, we’re different in many ways. We know that, when it comes to treatment for teens, you have plenty of options to choose from. That’s just one of the reasons that we try to offer so much that other places don’t. When you search online for “teenage rehab programs near me,” we do everything we can to offer the best, most effective services. 


Summer Program

Summer can be the best time for teens. Sometimes, it can be a bit of a problem, though, due to the seemingly endless unstructured hours. Many teens with depression, substance use, family issues, or even poor peer selection can struggle. Those are just some of the reasons that we started the Insight Treatment Center Summer Program. In it, we provide real opportunities for lasting personal growth and enrichment. Of course, a major part of that is fun-filled genuinely enjoyable activities. 


Just Some of the Activities in the Summer Program

When people hear “teen treatment summer program,” they might think of kids stuck inside or something. Nothing could be further from the truth with our summer program. We have such diverse activities as rock climbing, days at the beach, hiking, even horseback riding. Field trips to theme parks can be a part of it, too. What do all those activities have in common? The outdoors. That said, there’s plenty of great indoor activities, too – cooking classes, yoga, even pottery, ceramics, and art classes. The summer program is the kind of thing that no teen will ever forget. 


Recent Events We’ve Had

We don’t want to give the impression that all of the fun activities are limited to the summer program. In fact, we have plenty of great activities throughout the summer. A great example of this: we recently had an exciting adventure of dolphin and whale watching in the Santa Monica Bay. Plenty of teens, their families, and others came onto this really cozy yacht and took in all kinds of whales, dolphins, and marine life. If you’ve missed it, that’s OK! We do plenty of activities like this, and may even go back to the Dolphin Sarafi soon. 

Teenage Rehab Programs Near Me

The Best of “Teenage Rehab Programs Near Me”

All of the above having been said, not everything at Insight Treatment is field trips, rock climbing, and marine life. We have trained therapists and other medical professionals who can help your teens in multiple ways. Stopping the addiction or mental health concern is the end goal. The way to do so usually involves finding the underlying traumas, those which cause the symptoms which manifest as addiction and the like. For a free consultation with our Clinical Director, you can message us through our site or call us at (888) 295-9995.