Seeking Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors

Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors

The modern landscape presents a number of challenges for teens that their parents did not have to deal with. The rise of social media has allowed teens to remain connected to each other in ways that were unimaginable in the past. While there are positives to this, there are also drawbacks, as it provides a venue for bullying and other antisocial behaviors to flourish outside of school hours. Add in some of the more traditional difficulties that teens face–changing bodies, emotional development, etc.–and it should be no surprise that some teenagers can succumb to depressive states. When these trying emotional issues result in self-harm, you can feel helpless as a parent, even though you undoubtedly experience their pain in your own magnified way. There are methods of teen treatment for self-harming behaviors, however, and working with a licensed therapist can help give your teen the tools they need to live a happy and productive life as they enter adulthood.

If you have a teenager that is engaging in self-harm, you may find yourself rightfully scared for their overall well-being. It is also worth noting that some acts of self-harm are not always discernible to the naked eye. If your child has become withdrawn and woeful in ways that they have previously not displayed, getting them help now could help avoid later pitfalls and self-destructive behaviors.

When to Seek Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors

If you are concerned about your child and their relation to self-harming behaviors, it may be helpful to first ascertain a basic level of understanding of what self-harm is. Self-harm, fundamentally, occurs when someone hurts themselves in a way that is not suicidal. Self-harm can also be referred to as self-abuse or self-mutilation. You should know that self-harm is not necessarily indicative of suicidal ideations, though elongated periods of self-harm can lead to more extreme actions. 

If you have a baseline knowledge of self-harm, you are probably familiar with the concept of cutting, which, as its name suggests, occurs when someone intentionally lacerates themselves in a non-fatal fashion. This is not the only mode of self-harm that occurs, though. Some people will burn themselves, pull out their hair, or even bang their heads against hard surfaces.

There is also a frequent misconception out there that self-harm is merely a dramatic way of seeking attention. That is a dangerously dismissive attitude. If your child is practicing self-harm, it behooves you to talk with them and seek out the services of professional medical help. 

Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors
Consult with the Caring Professionals at Insight Treatment Today

Making the decision to seek mental health help for your teenager is not always easy. The relationship between your child and their therapist is an important one, and you will want them to feel at ease and trusting. At Insight Treatment, we use modern techniques and methods when treating mental health issues, and we will take the time to make you feel heard when it comes to your worries and concerns. To learn more about the services that we provide, contact us today, or send us a query by email.