Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors: Why It’s Important

Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors

Parents must be aware of how their children behave. If you think your teen may be harming themselves, it’s essential to seek professional help. In addition, self-harming behaviors can be a sign of underlying mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder. Thus, there is a dire need for teen treatment for self-harming behaviors.

What Do The Self-Harming Behavior Statistics Look Like?

According to reports, self-harming is a common issue found among teens aged 12 to 14. It majorly happens due to intense feelings of anxiety, sadness, distress, or confusion. Additionally, studies have found that one-third to one-half of teens in the US have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury.

Why Is Teen Treatment For Self-Harming Behaviors Important?

There are several reasons why teen treatment for self-harming behaviors is essential. First and foremost, self-harming can signify an underlying mental health issue. If left untreated, these mental health issues can worsen, leading to more severe problems. Additionally, self-harming can lead to physical health problems. For example, if someone cuts themselves, they are at risk for infection. Moreover, below are some critical reasons why teen treatment for self-harming behaviors is essential.

Teen Treatment for Self-Harming Behaviors

It’s A Sign Of Underlying Mental Health Issues:

As mentioned earlier, self-harming is often a sign of underlying mental health issues. If left untreated, these mental health issues can become worse. For example, someone who cuts themselves may be trying to cope with depression or anxiety. If they don’t get help, their depression or anxiety may worsen, leading to more severe problems.

It Can Lead To Physical Health Problems:

Self-harming can also lead to physical health problems. For example, if someone cuts themselves, they are at risk for infection. Additionally, if someone bangs their head against a wall, they could suffer from a concussion.

In addition, if self-harming is not treated, it can become a coping mechanism. It means that someone may start to rely on self-harm to deal with their problems. It can be hazardous, as it can lead to more severe issues.

It Can Be A Gateway To Other Risky Behaviors:

Self-harming can be a gateway to other risky behaviors. For example, someone who cuts themselves may be more likely to engage in other risky behaviors, such as drug use. Moreover, self-harming can also lead to suicide. Thus, it’s essential to get help if you or someone you know is self-harming.

These risky behaviors may become life-threatening, and they can create severe problems in the future. Thus, it becomes critical that parents closely observe their teen’s behavior and take quick action if they find anything unusual.

It Impact’s Their Academics And Personal Life:

Self-harming can also impact a teen’s academics and personal life. For example, someone who harms themselves may have difficulty concentrating in school or may not be able to participate in social activities. Additionally, self-harming can lead to isolation and loneliness.

Thus, it’s essential to get help if you or your teen is self-harming. Several treatments are available, such as therapy, medication, and support groups. These treatments can help teens cope with their problems and prevent self-harm from becoming a coping mechanism.

Contact Us Today

Insight Treatment has been working in this field for years now, and we offer the best teen treatment for self-harming behaviors. Get in touch with us at (888) 295-9995 to book an appointment today.