Finding Therapy for a Troubled Teen

Troubled Teen

When your teenager is going through a difficult time it is going to affect the entire family. You can see the problems occurring, whether it is because of substance or alcohol abuse or a behavioral issue and you want to step in and help your child as much as you can. Perhaps the problem is you are not use what steps you can take, what kind of help is available and what type of help your troubled teen really needs. No matter what may need to be done, you know that the help you need to provide for them is going to need to include some type of therapy. Finding therapy for your troubled teen is much easier for you today and it can take many forms, such as:

  • One on One – Many teens benefit from a one-on-one form of therapy with a licensed therapist. Look for a therapist that specializes in dealing with adolescent and young adult issues that your child is facing right now so that you know they will get the chance to talk to someone experienced in dealing with these problems. Your child may be comfortable expressing their feelings and working through their issues in more of this type of setting.
  • Group Therapy – There are many different places your teen can go where they can participate in group therapy and treatment sessions. These groups are made up of other teens and young adults like your child that may be facing the same or similar issues your son or daughter is dealing with right now. In this atmosphere they can build camaraderie with others in the age group that understand the troubles being faced and gain some insight from those in their peer group to help them with recovery.
  • Family Therapy – The entire family will be able to benefit from treatment sessions with an expert in family therapy. The therapist can work with the family unit as a whole so that issues and problems can be discussed openly and strategies worked on that the family can employ to help bring the family back together as a stronger unit.

Troubled Teen

Finding the right type of help for your family is important so you can all work together to overcome the problems that your troubled teen may be facing. When your child sees that they have your full support in working towards healing it can help to make the process more effective.