Teens4TeensHelp.org – Empowering Teens. Help Donate!
Kathy and Jeff’s teenager Kara, struggled with depression, anxiety, and an eating disorder for several years. Kara is now recovering and doing great.
Throughout their journey they learned how important teen peer support is and are creating a unique peer to peer online mental health platform, using stories of recovery – for and by teens. Teens listen best to other teens and their personal stories are followed by short videos that give information, help, hope, and resources that direct youth toward a path of recovery. It’s a place where teens discover empathy, insight, and learn that they are not alone.
At Insight we feel their project is very valuable and encourage everybody to support it with small or large donations.
We hope you will see the value in this project and to find out more please visit Teens4TeensHelp.org
“Teens are suffering from anxiety, depression, self-harm, and other mental health issues at an alarming rate. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for youth 15-24.
Teens with mental health issues become adults with mental health issues. Born from our personal story with our child, we saw first hand how teens sharing their stories of recovery can make a difference.” To read the full article please visit mightycause.com. Please help donate!”
Teens4TeensHelp.orgPitch from Jeff Long on Vimeo.