Seek Treatment for Teen Substance Abuse in Santa Clarita

A majority of teenagers try some sort of addictive substance before they are legally allowed to do so, which has come to become a normalized component of adolescence. In fact, severely restricting the curiosity that leads to this can often backfire and lead to addiction. Either way, there is a line to be drawn between curiosity and abuse, which is the problem a lot of parents will come to us for. Teen substance abuse in Santa Clarita can be a serious issue for families, which is why we want to do our best to help.


Substance Use by Teenagers

First of all, we need to understand what substance abuse looks like when we are talking about teenagers. The following are some of the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) statistics about substance use among teenagers.

  • Alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco are substances most commonly used by teenagers.
  • By 12th grade, about two-thirds of students have tried alcohol.
  • About half of 9th through 12th grade students reported ever having used marijuana.
  • About 4 in 10 9th through 12th grade students reported having tried cigarettes.
  • Among 12th graders, close to 2 in 10 reported using prescription medicine without a prescription.

While experimentation with substances is a normalized aspect of adolescence, it’s important to understand that young people are prone to addiction if they consume these regularly, in which case this can go beyond mere curiosity and have a serious long-term impact on their lives.


Risks of Substance Abuse by Teenagers

The consequences of substance abuse by teenagers can go beyond a poor academic performance, for it can have a serious impact on their growth and development, particularly when it comes to the brain. Not only that, but it can contribute to them developing problems later on in their adult life, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep disorders. It’s been found that the earlier teens start using these substances, the greater their chances of continuing this use later in life, potentially developing substance use problems eventually. And that’s not to mention the possible reckless behaviors that could come from exceeded substance use. This is why it’s so important to seek out treatment for substance abuse in Santa Clarita if your teenager is struggling with this.


Find Help for Teen Substance Abuse in Santa Clarita

Recovering from addiction is not an easy process, but it gets harder the more you wait to address the problem. So, if you think your teenage child might be having issues with this, it’s a good idea to reach out to them and let them know that they need help. When it comes to helping patients, particularly young ones, with addiction, the most important component is that they are able to recover in a safe environment that allows them to do the hard work required by the treatment. That is what we aim to provide here at Insight Treatment. Our rehab for teen substance abuse in Santa Clarita is here for those who need it. To learn more about this process, just give us a call at (661) 765-8445 and we’ll be with you.