teen alcohol and drug rehab

A Teen Drug Rehab for Teens and Their Families

Do you want to send your child to a teen drug rehab program but don’t feel that it’s right for them? Have you been researching teen treatment facilities and yet, it may not seem like any of them are actually a good fit for teens? If so, you

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teen drug treatment

Teen Drug Treatment that’s There for Teens No Matter What

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many facilities shut down. This was for any number of reasons: money, safety, and others. Here at Insight Treatment, however, we realized very early on that we couldn’t shut down. Too many teenagers need us. In-person treatment was important before the pandemic and became

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drug rehab for teens

Drug Rehab for Teens that Puts Teens First

Insight Treatment is an alcohol and drug rehab for teens. That means we specialize in helping teenagers, from ages 13 through 19, who are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. When we say that this is “for teens,” we mean it. That doesn’t mean we exclude

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drug rehab for teens

Foods to Avoid During Recovery

What we put into our bodies affects how we feel. For someone that is going through drug rehab, the need to treat the body well is even higher because the body needs to safely and properly detoxify. If you have a child in teen rehab, you can help

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Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

It is not unusual for someone with an addiction to be suffering from one or multiple mental illnesses too. Sometimes misdiagnosed or overlooked, people work through their addictions without addressing the underlying disorders or symptoms that provoke the yearning to fuel the addiction, relapsing and restarting the cycle.

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Teen Substance Abuse

Managing Addiction During Coronavirus

Being a caregiver of a child with a substance abuse problem on any given day is difficult but during the Coronavirus era, it is perplexing–everything is new territory. As we all adjust to life adhering to social isolation or social distancing, we are being challenged to maintain a

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teen drug rehab

Home Activities to Do With Your Teen

A teen with a substance abuse problem needs to feel supported in all areas of their life. While a teen drug rehab will provide them with many tools and help from medical and mental health professionals, having an enriching and safe environment at home can encourage personal growth.

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substance abuse treatment

Struggling with Substance Abuse? Insight Treatment Can Help

Adolescent years come with many challenges and expectations from friends, family, and peers. This time in life is often referred to as “the easy years” by adults, so the struggles that come along with being a teen or young adult are often overlooked. In fact, these years can

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